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Will an EV go the distance?

Posted November 24, 2023



How far will an electric vehicle (EV) travel on a single charge? It’s a very common question from people considering buying their first EV.

Will an EV go the distance?

If you’ve hesitated about making the switch to an EV due to concerns about their range, then the good news is, many of today’s EVs boast an impressive range of over 200 miles on a full charge. A typical family car covers, on average, around 37 miles per day – so with an EV you can easily sail through your entire work week on just one full charge. 


But what about longer journeys? Fear not, because charging on-the-go has become a lot easier in recent years. The UK’s charging infrastructure is rapidly expanding, making it incredibly convenient to keep your EV powered up. There’s a whole host of apps that you can download to help you find your nearest charging point. Some of the rapid charge points can fully recharge your car in just 30 minutes – the perfect opportunity to take a relaxing break and grab a coffee or stretch your legs before hitting the road again.  


When it comes to home EV charging solutions, we’ve got you covered. With a national network of specialist EV engineers and no alliance to any one manufacturer, we can help you assess your options based on suitability for your property and budget. 


We’d love to get you started and support you on your EV journey. Want to find out more on EV charging for your home? Visit our EV charger page here.